2022-06-07 New User Tuesday

New User Tuesdays

General resources for new users


For this New User Tuesdays, we're just here to answer any questions you might have and also to go over new features and common features for using Dendron.

Create a note

  • you use lookup, command L or Control L depending on OS you are using
  • you can also use lookup to find notes

Keeping notes organized

  • We use the dot hierarchy pattern

Dendron supports GitHub flavored markdown

Dendron Sidebar

  • Dendron Calendar View
  • view of your Daily Journal
  • when you create a daily journal, it adds a journal note at the current date


  1. @Xanaus (Private)#9249:

Q: How did you add the #### weight#### in your frontmatter?

Ans: You can add anything in your frontmatter and add it to your template. If you have frotmatter that you want to reuse, you need to find a template for it and manually add a template using a syntax using the Apply template command. You can also attach a template to your schema and Dendron will auto apply that template when you create a note that matches a pattern that is recognized in the schema.
