2022-06-07 New User Tuesday
New User Tuesdays
- Events calendar, for this and other events: https://link.dendron.so/luma
General resources for new users
- Getting Started: https://wiki.dendron.so/notes/678c77d9-ef2c-4537-97b5-64556d6337f1/
- Community: https://wiki.dendron.so/notes/6f4cd441-f883-4e75-871b-b7f93895c91b/
- Playground demo workspace:**https://wiki.dendron.so/notes/e8d6241e-1708-4bde-bd3d-93b440a1eaad/#onboarding-repository**← this is what we’re using for the demo if you want to follow along
- Some Discord helpful tips: https://wiki.dendron.so/notes/e8d6241e-1708-4bde-bd3d-93b440a1eaad/#discord
- Dendron smartpage: https://link.dendron.so/smartpage
- Note Taking in VS Code livestream recording: https://twitter.com/dendronhq/status/1471579014183718913?s=20
For this New User Tuesdays, we're just here to answer any questions you might have and also to go over new features and common features for using Dendron.
Create a note
- you use lookup, command L or Control L depending on OS you are using
- you can also use lookup to find notes
Keeping notes organized
- We use the dot hierarchy pattern
Dendron supports GitHub flavored markdown
Dendron Sidebar
- Dendron Calendar View
- view of your Daily Journal
- when you create a daily journal, it adds a journal note at the current date
- For questions, please add your @{discord-handle} (Private): question
- @kevins8 (Private): how do I ask questions on the google doc? (example)
@Xanaus (Private)#9249:
Q: How did you add the #### weight#### in your frontmatter?
Ans: You can add anything in your frontmatter and add it to your template. If you have frotmatter that you want to reuse, you need to find a template for it and manually add a template using a syntax using the Apply template command. You can also attach a template to your schema and Dendron will auto apply that template when you create a note that matches a pattern that is recognized in the schema.