2022-01-11 New User Tuesday
New User Tuesdays
- Events calendar, for this and other events: https://link.dendron.so/luma
General resources for new users
- Getting Started: https://wiki.dendron.so/notes/678c77d9-ef2c-4537-97b5-64556d6337f1/
- Community: https://wiki.dendron.so/notes/6f4cd441-f883-4e75-871b-b7f93895c91b/
- Playground demo workspace:**https://github.com/dendronhq/seed.dendron.onboarding**← this is what we’re using for the demo if you want to follow along
- Dendron smartpage: https://link.dendron.so/smartpage
- Note Taking in VS Code livestream recording: https://twitter.com/dendronhq/status/1471579014183718913?s=20
Todo Tree
-Todo tree is an extension that allows you to automatically collect todos of different files into a side panel inside of VS code.
-You can use todo tree to gather todos and then we are also going to integrate that with task notes so you can use todo tree to gather task notes.
Note References
- Embedding notes into other notes: https://wiki.dendron.so/notes/f1af56bb-db27-47ae-8406-61a98de6c78c.html#summary
- Easy way to insert content
- auto apply consistent structure to all your notes.
For questions, please add your
@{discord-handle}: question
@kevins8 (Private): how do I ask questions on the google doc? (example)
@murali-k (Private) Can we add todos present in various files and pull them into a single file?
- Some resources
- Task note docs: https://wiki.dendron.so/notes/SEASewZSteDK7ry1AshNG.html
- Daily journals: https://wiki.dendron.so/notes/ogIUqY5VDCJP28G3cAJhd.html
- Bullet journal workflow: https://wiki.dendron.so/notes/e65dfe53-41f7-4b16-b870-dadec1775497.html
- Todo Tree extension: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Gruntfuggly.todo-tree
- Some resources
@bitdryvr (Private): I think I ran into a bug in dendron. If you embed a note link into itself you create an endless loop and hang preview.
- Thanks for that - we need to add a guard for that!
- @bitdryvr (Private): Do you need anything else?
- @kevins8 (Private): could you submit a bug report - https://github.com/dendronhq/dendron/issues/new?assignees=&labels=&template=bug_report.md&title= so we can add it to our roadmap? (I know the issue so you don’t need detailed repro steps)
- @bitdryvr (Private): will do
@murali-kCan (Private) you please repeat that? Kevin, about todo tree. Sorry. Internet went out.
- Todo tree let you aggregate all todos in the sidepanel. Builtin vscode extension
@bitdryvr (Private): I know this doc will live on, but can it only be accessed until the next session?
- can the screenshare session be replayed on demand?
- Yeah, we’ll leave on commenting after this session and add it to our user guide under the events hierarchy
- Eg. Past new user tuesday: https://wiki.dendron.so/notes/qKIIdd1SnJsxV0pHXHoQB.html
- @bitdryvr (Private): glad to raise the question then
Discord channels: https://wiki.dendron.so/notes/PIPLLg61HYfjK361B9Jm6/
New User Tuesdays on the wiki: https://wiki.dendron.so/notes/JkX8ODMH9oO45LGicNRIy/
Kevin Lin: you're helping us find all the issues
Kevin Lin: now that i look at it, we not correct formatting on that
replies to this comment:
- Kevin Lin: will fix that now
Kevin Lin: thank you!
replies to this comment:
- Ross Dickerson: Done