

Collaborate on knowledge with a team.

There are many ways to collaborate on knowledge with a team - in this section, we'll go over the recommended approach of collaboration by sharing your workspace as a git repository.

Getting Started

This guide will go over setting up the workspace for a team of engineers.

Steps when using Github

  1. Go to eng-workspace-starter and click use this template to create your own copy of the repo.
  2. Share the repo with team members and make sure they have permission to read/write to this repository

Steps when using another git provider

  1. Clone eng-workspace-starter locally
    git clone
  2. Remove the existing origin and add your own
    git remote remove orgiin
    git remote add origin {YOUR_ORIGIN}
    git branch -M main
    git push -u origin main
  3. Share the repo with team members and make sure they have permission to read/write to this repository

  1. Quickstart
