
Congratulations! You've completed the Dendron Tutorial πŸ™Œ.

With fast lookup, flexible hierarchies, note linking, and rich formatting, you're now ready to organize, reference, and work with any amount of knowledge.

From here, you can start adding your notes to this workspace or, if you'd like to start fresh, you can create a new workspace for your notes with the Dendron: Initialize Workspace Command.

Join the Dendron Community

Dendron wouldn't be what it is today without our wonderful set of members and supporters.

Community Calendar

We have a bunch of community events that we host both weekly and monthly. You can stay up to date on whats happening by taking a look at our community calendar!

Dendron Newsletter

Dendron sends out a weekly newsletter highlighting:

Join other Dendrologists

There are a variety of ways to connect with Dendron devs, contributors, and other members of the Dendron community:

Check out our Case Studies and Workflows to see more ways Dendron is being used to organize knowledge.


Dendron isn't just for taking notes. It can be used to share your thoughts and documentation with others. One of those ways is with publishing. The Dendron Documentation and Dendron Blog are both published this way.

If you want to learn more about publishing your notes online, you can take a look at how to publish with example guides for Netlify or GitHub Pages.

A Preview of Next.js Publishing

Explore the full potential of Dendron

There is much more that Dendron offers. When you're ready, learn more about our additional features.


This is your immediate jumping off point after finishing the tutorial. It covers useful concepts that we didn't have time to cover in the basic tutorial.


Here we go a level deeper by going over intermediate topics. Wander through here to learn how to customize Dendron for your workflow.


This is for people that want to explore the cutting edge. Explore here to master advanced functionality in Dendron.
