CROP Event


A CROP (Community Request ) is an issue that is submitted and voted on by the community.

Every two weeks, we post three issues in the #feedback (Discord invite) channel. These are a combination of issues that are:

  1. Requested by the community (with >5 upvotes),
  2. New issues that people have recently expressed interest in, or
  3. Feasible to do (or make substantial progress) within a week.

A list of all current crops can be found on github


We take a quick poll over the weekend (opens Wednesday and closes on Monday) and put the most popular issue in our immediate sprint backlog. However, we don't commit to any specific timeline for delivering on CROP issues, so not to create expectations, but the development team will start working on them.

If you're particularly interested in an issue being included as part of next CROP, that's good feedback too and we'll do our best to honor your requests. Don't worry if an issue doesn't make it, we have a bi-weekly rotation of issues so it's bound to come back in soon.
