
Dendron 0.73 has sprouted 🌱

Dendron notes can co-exist among other files in a project, such as code files. Now you can easily navigate to Non-Note Files in your workspace! Goto Note supports the ability to jump to non-note files referenced from wikilinks! This includes wikilinks inside of code blocks.

Discover Internal Broken Links: Want to hunt down broken, internal links in your notes? Try out the new findBrokenLinks action for Dendron Doctor and you can diagnose your problems!

  • Ctrl+Shift+P / Cmd+Shift+P -> Dendron: Doctor -> findBrokenLinks

Note Traits: Dendron's new trait system allows you to create custom behavior and apply it to certain notes. This means you can have special actions take place at note creation, like automated updates to the name and title. Jump into the note traits quickstart to take it for a test drive.

Wikilinks is now F2 Compatible: Dendron now makes it easy for you to rename a note by placing your cursor inside a wikilink, and pressing F2 (the VS Code Rename Symbol command).


  • feat(commands): find broken links (docs)
  • feat(notes): Note Trait System Prototype (Phase 1) (docs)
  • feat(navigation): implement Go to Definition for non-note files (docs)
  • feat(navigation): Goto Note can open links to non-note files (docs)
  • feat(refactor): support Rename Symbol with Dendron wikilinks (docs)
  • enhance(navigation): allow Goto Note to work inside code blocks

Everything Else

  • feat(pods): early version of Orbit import pod (docs)
  • enhance(markdown): add depth metadata to header anchors
  • enahnce(workspace): simplify InitializeWorkspace command
  • enhance(publish): better layout for Table of Contents / TOC
  • enhance(pods): small tweaks to pod v2 UI
  • enhance(publish): Fallback to default SEO image if no image is set for published pages.
  • fix(workspace): tutorial initializer with existing workspace in default paths
  • fix(refactor): revert match text default value to active note name
  • fix(extension): note traits not working after webpack
  • fix(schema): use patterns when ids are auto generated and there is no manually set title for a schema
  • fix(views): double open link from preview


General Updates

Dendron was recently featured in the Tools for Thought series by Ness Labs. Kevin Lin gave the rundown on Dendron features, suggestions for new users, and what the future looks like.

Dendron will also be featured in the next VS Code livestream!

In our talk, we'll go over the basics of how Dendron works and do a walkthrough of the core features that let individuals and teams manage tens of thousands of notes inside of VS Code.

  • VS Code Livestreams: Note taking inside of VS Code (with Dendron)
    • Thursday, December 16, 8:00 AM PST

Dendron Reading Series

This week's entry in the Dendron Reading Series.

Today, we’re not nearly as comfortable with this most fundamental of activities [of taking time to think]. We talk a lot more about information — how we can get more of it, how we can spread it faster — than we do its processing.

I feel that the ideas around getting and spreading information seem tied to the world of social media. Facebook, for example, allows people to pay for their content to be optimized for engagement. This means more people will share, comment on, and react to something you post. I've experimented with sharing links, optimized for engagement. What happened? About six percent of people that "engaged" with reactions, shares, and comments actually clicked on the link to see what it was about.

I have a strong feeling this happens quite often on social media, and why many people are quick to comment about articles based on the title, without ever having read it.

This article also made me think of the Zettelkasten approach to note taking, where we condense learned information of value into notes that we later may use as a basis to spark new content and connections. The initial notes are there as reminders to assist with future processing, and in the creation of new content born out of the time we've spent thinking or learning from other resources.

Office Hours

Thank You's

A big thanks to the following gardeners that brought up issues, contributions, and fixes to this release! You can see an overview of all roles here





  • enhance(navigation): allow Go to Note to work inside code blocks (#1878) @kaan (Private)
  • enhance(markdown): add depth metadata to header anchors (#1877) @kevin (Private)
  • enahnce(workspace): simplify InitializeWorkspace command (#1886) @jonathan (Private)
  • enhance(publish): better layout for Table of Contents / TOC (#1882) @kevin (Private)


  • fix(workspace): tutorial initializer with existing workspace in default paths (#1873) @jonathan (Private)
  • fix(refactor): revert match text default value to active note name (#1892) @hikchoi (Private)
  • fix(extension): note traits not working after webpack (#1889) @jonathan (Private)
  • fix(schema): use patterns when ids are auto generated and there is no manually set title for a schema (#1896) @nickolay (Private)




  • enhance(pods): small tweaks to pod v2 UI (#1857) @jonathan (Private)
  • enhance(publish): Fallback to default SEO image if no image is set for published pages. (#1854) @tuling (Private)

