

Templates are notes whose content can be copied to other notes.

Templates can either be applied into an open note with the Apply Template, or automatically applied at note creation with Schemas, or through Create New with Template option during lookup.

Use Cases

  • daily journal templates
  • meeting templates
  • project templates


Reusable Notes

Instead of starting from scratch, create notes that can be re-used inside of other notes

### Grocery Checklist

- [ ] buy milk
- [ ] buy flowers
- [ ] buy eggs

Variable Substitution

NOTE: Only available when using Schema Templates

Add custom variables in your Frontmatter and use them inside of your templates

name: John

Hello {{fm.name}},

Congratulations on the offer!

Template Variables

NOTE: Only available when using Schema Templates

Dendron comes with pre-defined template variables that are automatically included in your templates at run time.

You can see the full list here


Comment your template to remember the context.

<!-- Markdown comment, will show up when template is applied -->

{{! Handlebar comment, will be stripped out when template is applied }}


Use if/else clauses to conditionally apply templates

{{#if fm.name }}
Hello {{fm.name}}
To whom it may concern,

Built-in Helpers

Built-in helper functions that can be used with handlebar templates

Example: Conditionally add a block depending on day of week

  • NOTE: since we are getting the day of the week based on the file name instead of the current day, this will work even when you create the note in advance
{{#if (eq (getDayOfWeek (fnameToDate)) 0) }}
- [ ] do laundry


Handlebar Templates

Use handlebars, a powerful templating language which enables conditionals, for loops and custom helpers to apply to your templates without executing code.

Getting Started

A template is just a regular note. While any note can be a template, we recommend adding templates in the [[template]] hierarchy of your vault.

  1. Create a template note. Use lookup and create the note template.pr-check-list

  2. Copy and paste the following contents

      ## Tasks
      - [ ] code is tested
      - [ ] code has proper commit message
      - [ ] code does not impact performance
  3. Create a new note task.code-check-in

  4. Run `Dendron: Apply Template`

  5. Choose template.pr-check-list

  6. Congrats, you just applied your first template!


  • Features
    • Schema Template: Automatically apply a template when it matches a particular hierarchy pattern
    • Template Variables: Pre-defined template variables that are automatically included in your templates at run time
    • Template Helpers: Built-in helper functions that can be used with handlebar templates
  • Components
    • Handlebar Templates: Use handlebars, a powerful templating language which enables conditionals, for loops and custom helpers to apply to your templates without executing code
  • Commands
