Cross Vault Link


Wikilinks that specify which vault it belongs to in a multi vault workspace.


Getting started

You can turn a regular link into a cross vault link by adding dendron://$vaultName/ prefix where $vaultName is the name of your vault.

Here are some examples of different types of wikilinks with the vault prefix included:

This is a cross vault wikilink to the note foo that is in the vault named vault:


This is a cross vault wikilink to the note foo that is in the vault named vault, that has an alias:

[[Foo Note|dendron://vault/foo]]

This is a cross vault wikilink to the header Header1, in the note foo, that is in the vault named vault, that has an alias:

[[Foo Note|dendron://vault/foo#header1]]

You can also use cross vault links for note references like so:

