
Dendron 0.116 has sprouted 🌱 October 25, 2022

Everything Else

  • feat(workspace): copy as command (docs)
  • enhance(sync): selection export scope for pods v2 (docs)
  • fix(workspace): go to definition for wikilink with header
  • fix(lookup): cancel note creation during "Create Note with Template" if template was not selected
  • fix(views): task notes inside of note references should render correctly
  • fix(workspace): custom color decoration for hashtags
  • fix(commands): lookup sometimes omits last keystrokes in new note when under load
  • fix(publish): use fuzzThreshold config option for search
  • fix(publish): bad breadcumbs display
  • fix(publish): runtime error on undefined dendron config


General Updates

Greenhouse this Friday!

This week's Greenhouse Talk:10,000 tables when all you need is a note by Ryan Hill

When you have over 10K undocumented tables in a database, knowledge locked in people's heads, and a hungry group of new starters who need to know where to find what they need - what do you do? (Spoilers: the answer is use Dendron). He'll explore why Dendron was the choice, how it and the repo were set up, and how they generated additional capability in their process with some Python - and what the outcome was!

Starboard Highlights

These are highlights from the Dendron Discord #starboard and #today-i-learned channels.

Dendron Reading Series

This week's entry in the Dendron Reading Series.

Writing system software: code comments

Event Reminders

Thank You's

A big thanks to the following gardeners that brought up issues, contributions, and fixes to this release :man_farmer: :woman_farmer: Visit Discord Roles for more information.


The following community members provided feedback in the Dendron user survey:

  • @millette#6910
  • @LividJava#8420





  • fix(workspace): go to definition for wikilink with header (#3632) @joshi (Private)
  • fix(lookup): cancel note creation during "Create Note with Template" if template was not selected (#3645) @hikchoi (Private)
  • fix(views): task notes inside of note references should render correctly (#3640) @kevin (Private)
  • fix(workspace): custom color decoration for hashtags (#3637) @joshi (Private)
  • fix(commands): lookup sometimes omits last keystrokes in new note when under load (#3671) @kevin (Private)
  • fix(publish): use fuzzThreshold config option for search (#3684) @sam (Private)
  • fix(publish): bad breadcumbs display (#3689) @sam (Private)
  • fix(publish): runtime error on undefined dendron config (#3688) @sam (Private)