Lookup View


  • status: #stage.germ
  • NOTE: this is only for Mac & Windows at this time

This view lets you see the status of the lookup operation that is being done. When you use Dendron: Lookup Note, you will notice that a view called Lookup View will appear along with the lookup bar if you have the side bar opened. This view will disappear once the lookup has been confirmed or cancelled.


The view will provide you with a form that shows the current state of lookup modifiers, which you can also control within the view.

The changes in the lookup view will also be synced to the modifier buttons on the lookup bar and vice-versa.

  • Hovering over the question mark next to each form will show you the description of that form
  • Hovering over the form item will show you a description of the functionality of each item.
  • Clicking on the X icon that appears when you hover over a text form will remove the currently set modifier that form displays.


This lets you view and select what the selection type should be for the currently active note lookup.

Effect type

This lets you view and select what the effect type should be for the currently active note lookup.

Note that in this form you can select multiple items, and clicking on individual items will add / remove accordingly. Clicking on the X icon that appears when you hover over this form will remove all set effect types.

Split Horizontally

This switch lets you toggle the horizontal split behavior for the currently active note lookup.

Apply Direct Child Filter

This switch lets you toggle the direct child only filter behavior for the currently active note lookup.
