A Tale of Complexity – Structural Layers in Note Taking

Credit to @johnknowles#1154 for sharing the link for this week's Dendron Reading Series

Have you noticed any organic structures arise in your knowledge bases?

Using structural layers to organize information is not a new idea. It's been used over and over again throughout history to make knowledge more accessible in forms like books and libraries. The content of books is comprised of words and sentences organized into chapters. These chapters are organized into the table of contents, aptly named. We can further organize these table of contents, or books, into topic groups, or an author's body of work.

Using structural layers, we can take low-level pieces of content and build higher-order structures that make it easier to access this content. The author of this article uses a combination of content and structure notes ("sets with added structure") to achieve this in a knowledge management system called Zettelkasten, where notes are given addresses so that references can be made between notes.

The idea of structural layers should sound natural to Dendron users. Dendron makes the creation of such layers easy through both a hierarchical naming system and wiki links between notes. How have you seen layers form between your notes? What do you use the build these layers? Links, hierarchies, tags? Something different?
