Create Schema From Note Hierarchy
Example use case
You have created a set of notes in a hierarchy and want to re-use the pattern elsewhere. For example, let's say you've created some notes for python in a pattern you like and want this schema when authoring notes for other languages:
└── python
└── data
├── bool
├── integer
└── string
You wish to extend this schema to other languages for future notes:
└── python
└── data
├── bool
├── integer
└── string
└── java
└── data
├── bool
├── integer
└── string
└── c-sharp
└── data
├── bool
├── integer
└── string
You can use Dendron: Create Schema From Note Hierarchy
command to swiftly accomplish this goal.
1: Activate command
While having the editor open in the note that is within the hierarchy that you want to create (Eg.
Activate Dendron: Create Schema From Note Hierarchy
2: Choose variable part of hierarchy
Choose which part of the hierarchy will be globed/pattern replaced. For example you would see options along the lines of:
- languages.*.data.bool
- languages.python.*.bool
In our example we want to choose languages.*.data.bool
since the language is the part that varies.
3: Choose which descendents to include
Then choose which parts of the hierarchy that currently fall under languages.python
you want to be included within the schema.
We would like to include the following:
4: Choose schema file name
And lastly choose the name of the schema file.
Congratulations! Now you should have a schema that can be re-used for other languages along the lines of:
version: 1
imports: []
- id: languages
title: languages
parent: root
- pattern: '*'
- pattern: data
- pattern: bool
- pattern: integer
- pattern: string
You can edit this schema to your liking. For example, you can add a template to this schema to have notes new notes at that hierarchy level to automatically have a template applied.
If you want to remake the schema for this hierarchy, delete the schema file and start from step 1.