Selective Publication

DEPRECATION NOTICE: This is documentation related to legacy publishing. For the latest guidance, reference the current publishing documentation.

In Dendron, you control what gets published.

Dendron lets you control publication behavior at multiple levels:

  • globally using
  • per hiearchy through
  • per note through the publication related frontmatter
  • per line through custom Dendron directives inside the note


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Per Hierarchy

Hierarchy Configuration

You can update configuration on a per hierarchy level by modifying site.config like in the example below

      publishByDefault: true

To set options for all hierarchies, set {hiearchy name} to root.


  • default: true
  • values: true|false|hashByVault

If set to false, Dendron will only publish notes within the hierarchy that have published: true set in the frontmatter

If set as a hash, you can further specify publishByDefault settings on a per vault basis. The key is the name of the vault and the value is a boolean.

For example, the following config says that the finance hierarchy in the public vault should all be published but that the finance hierarchy in the private vault should not

        public: true
        private: false

Per Note

Note Configuration

You can specify how notes are published via the frontmatter of each note.


  • default: undefined

If set, adds CANONICAL_URL when publishing

<link rel="canonical" href="CANONICAL_URL" />


  • default: true

To exclude a page from publication, you can add the following to the frontmatter. If you set publishByDefault: false for a hierarchy, this needs to be set to true to publish

published: false

403 Page

If you link to a page that is not published, Dendron will show users a 403 page with the following content
