
Dendron 0.90 has sprouted 🌱

Vault-Level URLs: We're improving the experience with published vaults. Vaults can now be configured with their own URL. These URLs will be used when copying or exporting notes, replacing wikilinks with the correct URL for the vault.


  • feature(publish): support custom urls for vaults

Everything Else

  • enhance(publish): open published tree view links in new tab
  • fix(workspace): error when adding a self contained vault inside a native workspace
  • fix(publish): publish issues with latest version of nextjs due to swc module
  • fix(workspace): preserve wikilink metadata on export
  • fix(workspace): typo "hierarchy", "should"
  • fix(workspace): consistent tree item sort order


Starboard and TIL Highlights

These are highlights from the Dendron Discord #starboard and #today-i-learned channels.

  • πŸ’‘ cosMoAntonius#1450 shared a quote by Andy Warhol: "They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself."

Dendron Reading Series

This week's entry in the Dendron Reading Series.

Credit to @rlh1994#9754 for sharing the link for this week's Dendron Reading Series in our #chat channel!

Does your second brain do any thinking? Or does it just remember stuff?

In Programmable Notes, Maggie Appleton critiques the Warehouse model of knowledge bases, in which our systems of notes become "passive storage containers" for knowledge. Instead she paints a different vision, what I'll call the Factory model, in which active agents help us reflect, connect and interact with our knowledge.

These agents, or programs, allow our second brain to go beyond remembering things and into the world of doing things. Instead of knowledge sitting idle in a warehouse, we have agents busy at work in a factory, manufacturing goods with our knowledge as material. Appleton's agents follow a simple "when this, do that" pattern. When a condition is met, do something.

These condition-action pairs give our knowledge bases rules to follow so they can think and act for themselves, doing things like prompting us to reflect on, summarize or connect our knowledge, recommending other notes to link to, pulling in metadata from external sources...and so on.

If we want to have agency over our knowledge, maybe we need a few agents to help us out...

Event Reminders

Thank You's

A big thanks to the following gardeners that brought up issues, contributions, and fixes to this release :man_farmer: :woman_farmer: Visit Discord Roles for more information.


The following community members provided feedback in the Dendron user survey:

  • @dy#4526




  • enhance(publish): open published tree view links in new tab (#2662) @kaan (Private)


  • fix(workspace): error when adding a self contained vault inside a native workspace (#2660) @kaan (Private)
  • fix(publish): publish issues with latest version of nextjs due to swc module (#2673) @kevin (Private)
  • fix(workspace): preserve wikilink metadata on export (#2676) @kevin (Private)
  • fix(workspace): typo "hierarchy", "should" (#2699) PabloLION
  • fix(workspace): consistent tree item sort order (#2665) @hikchoi (Private)