
Dendron 0.74 has sprouted 🌱

The Copy Note Link command has been enhanced to easily create links to other files in your workspace, even if they aren't Dendron notes! This means being able to copy links to scripts, config files, etc. and add those links into your notes.

The Getting Started tutorials have been refreshed, which included a variety of updates across different docs that are mentioned and referenced throughout! The updates address feedback provided by the community, and GitHub discussions.


  • enhance(workspace): go to definition & hover works for wikilinks inside regular files
  • enhance(navigation): copy note link now works inside files (docs)

Everything Else

  • enhance(navigation): links to files can now link to specific lines (docs)
  • enhance(views): Support new config to automatically show preview (docs)
  • enhance(navigation): links to files are now highlighted as existing if the linked file exists
  • enhance(docs): update some links in tutorial docs
  • fix(workspace): autocomplete deletes text following wikilink with no closing brackets
  • fix(workspace): extension crash in non-Dendron workspaces when there's a large number of files
  • fix(workspace): xkcd seed vault description
  • fix(views): error when opening schema graph

Doc Updates

  • non note files have been renamed to files. this doesn't change code or behavior but references to "non-note" have been replaced with "file"
  • getting started guide refresh has been overhauled, with many more examples and a new jumping off point at the very end (docs) (diff)


General Updates

Dendron was featured in the latest VS Code livestream!

Updates to our Contribution Tiers

A lot of you have asked us for more flexibility when it comes to supporting Dendron financially. For individuals, we now offer one time contributions. For teams, we now offer dedicated business support as well as the ability to pay annually.

The diff of changes:

  • The Seed tier is now a one time contribution tier (pay what you want with a minimum):
  • The Sprout tier is unchanged
  • The Tree tier has new benefits (hand made Dendron illustrations and ability to give away Seed memberships)
  • The Forest tier has been overhauled to focus on teams and businesses

Full details can be found here!

Dendron Reading Series

This week's entry in the Dendron Reading Series.

Sheds are never finished. You just decide you are done.

Now that its the holidays, I know there is a bunch of you that will use the time to work on side projects. The trap I've seen some of my friends fall in is to build sheds - all consuming projects that might never be shipped since there's always "one more thing" that can make it better.

Iteration is one of our primary values at Dendron to help us avoid sheds and ship cakes. Hope everyone enjoys today's shipment and that you'll be able to make some own during the holidays 🍰

Office Hours

We will be hosting the last Office Hours of 2021 on Wed, Dec 22, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM PST

Notes, and the recording, of the previous Office Hours can be found here

Thank You's

A big thanks to the following gardeners that brought up issues, contributions, and fixes to this release :man_farmer: :woman_farmer: You can see an overview of all roles here




  • enhance(workspace): go to definition & hover works for wikilinks inside regular files (#1917) @kaan (Private)

Bug Fixes

  • fix(navigation): hovering over links to files will display a "click here to open this" message, and not the incorrect "this note is missing" message @kaan (Private)
  • fix(workspace): autocomplete deletes text following wikilink with no closing brackets (#1909) @kaan (Private)
  • fix(workspace): extension crash in non-Dendron workspaces when there's a large number of files (#1913) @kaan (Private)
  • fix(workspace): xkcd seed vault description (#1923) Zero King @l2dy#9201




  • enhance(docs): Getting Started guide refresh, with several other docs updates (docs) (diff) @derek (Private)
  • enhance(navigation): copy note link now works inside files (docs) (#1895) @kaan (Private)
  • enhance(navigation): links to files can now link to specific lines (docs) (#1895) @kaan (Private)
  • enhance(views): Support new config to automatically show preview (#1897) @tuling (Private) (docs)
  • enhance(navigation): links to files are now highlighted as existing if the linked file exists (#1895) @kaan (Private)


  • fix(navigation): hovering over links to files will display a Click here to open this message, and not the incorrect This note is missing message (#1895) @kaan (Private)
  • fix(refactor): refactor crashes when captured note is a stub (#1910) @hikchoi (Private)
  • fix(docs): Replaced instances of spwan with spawn icedwater



