Notion Vs Dendron

Dendron is your IDE for General Knowledge, see how it stacks up vs. Notion.

Notion is an online notetaking workspace for teams and individuals. Unlike Notion, Dendron is fast, local-first and open source, giving you control of your data so there's never any downtime. You'll never wait for a note to finish loading in Dendron πŸ˜‡

A Knowledge Base that Scales

Most PKM tools help you create notes but slam into a wall retrieving them once your knowledge base reaches a certain size threshold. That threshold varies with the tool, but virtually everything stops working past 10k notes unless the user was extremely diligent about organizing their knowledge. Past this threshold, entropy wins and every query becomes a keyword search and scrolling through pages of results.

Dendron's mission is to help humans organize, find, and work with any amount of knowledge.

It not only helps you create notes but also retrieve them - retrieval works as well with ten notes as it does with ten thousand.

Our main differentiator is our focus on structure - we provide gradual structure for your PKM that is both flexible and consistent.

This means you can start with daily journals, capture thoughts in zettel's and create consistent hierarchies over time which you can enforce using schemas and change through refactoring.

Fast and performant

Dendron operates completely on local data and is able serve your notes to you without ever having to pull from a server. That means there's no downtime. We index your notes so Lookup is fast and everything (and I mean everything) has keyboard shortcuts so you never have to leave the home row.


Did we mention we're local first? We'll never send your notes off your system unless you want to explicitly. We also have easy guides for syncing with GitHub or you can always use your own service (Dropbox, OneDrive, Nextcloud, ownCloud, etc.) to sync your notes wherever you want. Because you own your data.

Extensible and open-source

Dendron is built into VS Code and can take advantage of all the extensions you've come to love. Whether you want Vim keybindings, mermaid diagram support or snippet support, the extension ecosystem has you covered. And if you can't find something that you need, we also offer Hooks so you can build advanced workflows, right into Dendron.
