Scratch Note


Scratch notes are self contained notes that are meant to be used as scratch pads.

Use Case

Scratch notes are analogous to scratch pads in real life. They are meant for quick notes that you may come later to move to a more suitable place or for one-off memos that are useful in that specific moment.

You can create them to quickly link to them or write urgent memos, and then come back to them later.

If the information needs to persist, you can use various Refactoring features to find a better place to store the information.

If the information has served its purpose and is no longer needed, you can archive them or delete them.

Getting Started

scratch note

When you need to write a quick note, use the Dendron: Create Scratch Note command, or use lookup with the scratch modifier enabled.

By default, Dendron will create the scratch note with the following hierarchy :scratch.y.MM.dd.HHmmss

You can change how scratch notes are created by modifying configurations in the scratch configuration namespace.
