Thoughts On Markdown

Credit to @cameron#9185 for sharing the link for this week's Dendron Reading Series in our #what-are-you-reading channel!

Markdown has seen a lot in its 20 year life. Originally created as a tool for web-writing, it has evolved to become the de facto container for digital content for many authors and organizations. In the opinion of this piece's author, Markdown's usefulness is dwindling in the modern age of block content. As the content on the web has shifted from text-centric HTML pages to richer interactive multi-media experiences, Markdown's role has come under question.

What do you think? Is it so that content has grown past Markdown, or can Markdown grow to meet these modern requirements?

All technology has a history and is a product of human interaction.

Part of the beauty of the modern web is that ideas are shared and repurposed with unparalleled ease. Though originally intended for the single purpose of web-writing, Markdown grew into different flavors and versions, serving different needs and niches. Its usage evolved beyond simply web writing into the lingua franca for all digital content.

In this tweet, Jon Gruber, one of the creators of Markdown, claims that No one syntax would make all happy. Perhaps in this we find why Markdown has been so well loved, because it isn't a single syntax, but rather a material that can be molded and extended to one's satisfaction.

And finally, in some Internet trivia, I was suprised to find that Aaron Swartz was one of the creators of Markdown. The web is a smaller place than you'd think!
