
Dendron 0.66 has sprouted 🌱

This release brings native support to managing tasks in Dendron. Task management is one of the most asked for features in Dendron. Please try it out and provide any feedback in the Task Notes GitHub Discussion.

  • Task notes are considered a seed feature which means its still experimental and the interface is subject to change.
  • We're working on slowly introducing the Dendron Maturity Levels in existing features and when describing release features.

This release also includes some breaking changes due to some renaming of commands, which can be referrenced in the changelog.


  • feat(notes): task notes (create modifier & editor highlighting) (docs)
  • feat(workspace): users can convert a local vault to a remote vault, or a remote vault to a local vault with new convert vault command (docs)

Everything Else

  • enhance(schema): allow untyped templates in schemas (docs)
  • enhance(workspace): add seeds directory to gitignore on workspace creation
  • enhance(workspace): preview command enablement
  • enhance(workspace): add custom icons to Dendron tree view
  • enhance(workspace): Copy Header Reference code action
  • fix(publishing): Markdown publish to hide block reference anchors
  • fix(workspace): file watcher updates backlinks
  • fix(workspace): hover & goto note should respect enableUser/HashTags
  • fix(pods): resolve same level dir wikilinks in Markdown import
  • fix(schemas): replace auto generated ids with readable descriptions


General Updates

Dendron Reading Series

This week's entry in the Dendron Reading Series.

In my younger years, I was an early adopter for almost everything - Linux distributions, software, hardware, lifestyle choices, you name it. Nowadays, I'm much more conservative and seek out stable builds for most things.

Technology has the potential to disrupt but not all disruption is good and in many cases, some consequences only show up a few years or decades down the road. It's hard to square that with the Facebook/sillicon valley ethos of "most fast and break things", when the thing you're breaking might be society itself.

The Amish approach is nice in that they have a framework for dealing with it - using the rest of the world as a pteri dish to observe the effects of technology before adopting it themselves. What are other ways in which we can better understand the implications of a new technology that doesn't involve rolling it out to the world?

New Team Member: Derek Ardolf - Dendron Evangelist

I'm Derek, and I go by @ScriptAutomate in most places.

  • I'm from Minnesota, USA
  • I just started at Dendron as a Dendron Evangelist! I previously worked at VMware, working on Salt Project, and am also an ex-Amazon/AWS engineer. I'll be doing blog posts, reviewing and contributing to documentation, and more.
  • Fun facts about me: I love to read/write fiction, and create digital art. I've started a small publishing imprint, experimenting with the publishing of my own content where I eventually want to help others publish, too. When learning something new, I usually come up with a humorous or absurd project to help encourage the learning process.
  • How I found Dendron: @kevin (Private) chatted with me once, at a WriteTheDocs meetup in Seattle, when he was tinkering with an early version of it. I had just finished complaining about knowledge management in general, so after he showed me it I said I'd want to hear when it came about for all of us to play with. Now, here I am!
  • Where I am on the interwebs

Thank You's

A big thanks to the following gardeners that brought up issues, contributions, and fixes to this release :man_farmer: :woman_farmer: You can see an overview of all roles here



Breaking changes

  1. Deprecation notice for Site Preview and Site Build. These currently build using our legacy 11ty publishing method. Starting next week, these will be upgraded to publish using Next.js. In addition, the notes will be renamed:
    • Site Preview will be renamed to Publish Dev
    • Site Build will be renamed to Publish Export
  2. We have updated the enablement of our preview features to reduce clutter in the command palette and prevent confusion.
    • Dendron: Show Preview is now called Dendron: Show Preview (legacy)
    • Dendron: Show Preview V2 is now called Dendron: Show Preview
    • Both preview commands and their keybindings are now disabled if you are in a non-Dendron workspace or if your active open document is not a Markdown file. This means they will not be accessible in the command palette or triggered with a keybinding.



  • fix(publishing): Markdown publish to hide block reference anchors (#1577) @joshi (Private)
  • fix(workspace): file watcher updates backlinks (#1618) @kaan (Private)
  • fix(workspace): hover & Go to Note should respect enableUser/HashTags (#1620) @kaan (Private)
  • fix(pods): resolve same level dir wikilinks in Markdown import (#1615) @joshi (Private)
  • fix(schemas): replace auto generated ids with readable descriptions (#1632) @nickolay (Private)



  • feat(workspace): users can convert a local vault to a remote vault, or a remote vault to a local vault with new convert vault command (docs) (#1542) @kaan (Private)
  • feat(notes): task notes (create modifier & editor highlighting) (docs) (#1583) @kaan (Private)
