2021-06-06 Office Hours
Company updates
- New Note graph
- Significantly faster
- 15000 notes loaded in 5s (compared to 10 minutes today)
- Significantly faster
- Block references are feature complete
- Can reference Arbitrary lines with an anchor
- Doctor command update
- Crop issue for the week
- Refactor without formatting your note.
- Turned out to be a bigger task.
- Implemented wiki links but not note references.
- Will release next week.
- Turned out to be a bigger task.
- This week’s issue (backlinks tab) is also pretty big.
- Might turn out to be a multi-week issue.
- Refactor without formatting your note.
- Greenhouse Series
- Talks about a mix of topics
- 30min
- <link to playlist/channel>
- Explores knowledge base + the things you’re interested in
- Dendron Swag
- Limited print run, we’re looking at opening up a swag store later this summer.
- Let us know if you have suggestions
- https://pkm.dendron.so
- Implementation - PKM (dendron.so)
- Like TodoMVC for note taking: https://todomvc.com/
- Seed Registry Updates
- RFC later today.
- Will start with CLI commands
- Vault add currently adds a remote vault
- Expand to make this more reusable/extensible.
- Seeds are similar to node-modules.
- Possibilities are massive:
- Composite workspaces
- Have workspaces accessing multiple npm vaults with meta-information.
- Modularizing like knowledge.
- Registry to find and add public vaults quickly.
- Npm for vaults.
- Use cases are programming related. The plan is to make this a registry for people sharing any number of vaults.
- This is a long-term investment area for Dendron.
- We will have a sensible approach initially and then revise based on how we see people use the seed registry.
- RFC later today.
- Editing experience for seeds?
- (subject to change) When you edit a seed, you can edit it directly, or you can fork it.
- Seeds are just normal workspaces that are installed in a pre-configured way.
- It’s just like a regular git repo.
- Trying to take what’s worked for other package managers and using it for knowledge.
- Consider webpack bundling.
- Lots of ways of dependency management.
- (subject to change) When you edit a seed, you can edit it directly, or you can fork it.
- Does anyone know someone who’s worked on dependency managers? Ping us on Discord (kpats@ or kevins8@)
- Newsletter - subscribe here!