Preview Your Site

DEPRECATION NOTICE: This is documentation related to legacy publishing. For the latest guidance, reference the current publishing documentation.


The following describes how to prepare your notes for publication using Dendron CLI.


  • node version 12 or higher, see installation guide here


  • pre-requisite:
    • node version 12 or higher, see installation guide here Node


In order to publish, run the following commands inside your workspace.

npm init -y
npm install @dendronhq/dendron-cli@latest
npm install @dendronhq/dendron-11ty-legacy@latest

Local Preview

After you have your dependencies installed, build your site using the following command inside your workspace root.

npx dendron buildSite  --stage dev --serve

This will both compile your site locally and make it available at localhost:8080 for instant preview. When building your site locally, the pages will be build to {wsRoot}/build/site.

  • NOTE: Dendron currently doesn't support live reload so you'll need to CTRL-C and re-run buildSite in order to see the latest changes

Build for deployment

When you are ready to publish to GitHub, make sure to change the stage to prod.

npx dendron buildSite --stage prod 

This will build your site to the path specified by siteRootDir in dendron.yml. By default, this is located at {wsRoot}/docs.

Get ready to publish

When you are ready, you can go to publishing your site for instructions on announcing your site to the world.
